Battery Plans

Boy_beagleThe DOG GUARD® Battery Plan!

We will keep up with how often you receive a battery. By investing in the one year, two year, or three year battery plan we will automatically mail a battery to you every 4 months for the duration of your contract! At the end of the contract, we will remind you to enroll for another contract term. This service is provided just to help you keep tract of when to change the battery and keep your Dog Guard receiver working at its maximum power level.


Dog Guard batteries are specially welded together to make certain they maintain 100% connection. There is no chance of a receiver not working due to a battery losing contact. Dog Guard® batteries are specially designed and engineered for this outdoor application. By using original Dog Guard Pet Fencing batteries you maintain your lifetime product warranty as well as making sure your batteries are at full power when you receive them. To maintain the high correction capacity of your Dog Guard receiver it is important to make certain the voltage does not drop below a minimum level. Just as a flashlight beam is not as bright with a weak battery, your Dog Guard receiver is not as strong with a weak battery.